Monday, July 5, 2010

Luling Watermelon Thump

OK, I've been busy but not doing much worth posting.  Last weekend I went to check out the Watermelon Thump in Luling.

There were three sections.  The first was rides:

The second was food, including the beer garden and entertainment:

The last was vendors, where I saw this adorable cuteness:

There was also a juggler, complete with fire and a unicycle:

There was a watermelon auction, which started the bidding at $1000 and reached some INSANE prices:

The grower of this watermelon was a previous Miss Watermelon Thump and the bidding was something like $10,000 when I walked away.

The admission price was $8, which I thought was a bit high for what there was to see.  I should have brought more cash with me, though, because I had sausage-on-a-stick, but I didn't have enough left for watermelon.

Downtown Luling is lovely and quaint.