Monday, December 20, 2010

Yeah I know

I know, I haven't posted anything in a while.  I've been overwhelmed by the idea of sharing all that I saw in Europe.  I went on a Craftlit tour to London, Bath, and Wales, which was organized by Holiday Vacations and the fabulous Dianne!  After the week of touring, I took a train to France and spent five days seeing not nearly enough of Paris.  Then I came back to London to take another tour (just one day) to see Oxford and Stratford-Upon-Avon.  I couldn't possibly come to England and ignore the Bard.  I got to see so many glorious things that I've always heard of, and took so many fantastic pictures, that I don't even know where to begin telling about my trip--so I haven't posted anything at all.  Since it's almost Christmas and I'll soon be off for vacation, I will take some time to share some of my trip.

Also, I may be changing my format a bit.  Instead of focusing on travel and local sites, I'll just share interesting things as I run across them.  This doesn't mean I won't be sharing the kinds of things I've posted on up until now, but that I won't restrict my posts only to places and such as that.  Since I don't blog all that often, it probably won't be all that noticeable anyway :) but maybe I'll have something to say more often.

Anyway, I'll try to keep up better from now on.  Merry Christmas!