Tuesday, November 13, 2012

No jobs in Austin

I can't say it enough - there aren't jobs here in Austin anymore.  Don't come looking!  I have applied - probably twice - to a plethora of jobs here and gotten only a few replies.  Those replies often say that they had hundreds of applicants for one position.  I have never in my life had so much trouble finding a job, even with years of experience, even with a college degree, I'm not chosen.  So if you're thinking about coming here because somebody told you there are plenty of jobs, take my advice and don't do it.  The traffic is horrible and there are hundreds of kids graduating from the several colleges here and staying.  There just aren't any more jobs here!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Starting over - again

OK, I'm going to try to start writing again, starting with this blog.  Apparently people do look at it occasionally - hi whoever you are!  For over the past year I've been unemployed, but it has been a great year!  I took some graduate classes towards the Master's degree I may or may not ever get.  I got a paralegal certificate.  I'm looking for a job.  Let me just say right now that there are too many people in Austin and there are no more jobs.  Really.  Just go home.

I finished a pair of soft, warm, fuzzy socks to wear around the house.

I made them big on purpose and I love them immensely.

I have started a baby blanket for my oldest niece's pending child--I'll take pictures and post when it is done.  I'm starting to plan Christmas knitting, so I'll have plenty to do.

It has been fantastic to be unemployed as long as I still had money, but now I really need something.  I didn't think it would be so hard to find another job.  I'm not even getting replies to the applications I send out.  But maybe it's for the best anyway.  Maybe I just need to find a way to make a living without working for someone else.  It would have been easier to do if I still had savings, but that's beside the point.

Even so, it will all work out for the best.