Wednesday, January 5, 2011


OK I'm a little bit horrified.  Turns out Cindy's Weekend is also an online game, and a rather silly vapid game at that.  Sorry for that.

Annnnnyway, it's no secret that I knit.  Not as often as I would like, but certainly more than most ordinary people.  I am currently working on a pair of socks for a friend.  I have finished one and barely started the second.  I will post a picture once they have been finished and sent to the recipient.  Since she's not likely to see this blog anytime soon, it's not a big deal, but what's life without a little suspense?

So, I went to Europe.  Got off the plane exhausted and onto a train that took me to Paddington Station.  Naturally, the first thing I did at Paddington Station was find the Paddington Bear booth and buy a small traveling companion. 

That's him at I Knit London.

I also looked around until I found the statue nearby.  Since it was a literary tour, it was the natural thing to do.

So whatever else I do from now on, Paddington may very likely be going with me.  So from there I got on another train, then staggered to the hotel across the street from the Victoria & Albert museum.  Beautiful place, very convenient.  Once my hotel room was ready I took a long nap.  When I woke up, I went down the street towards Harrod's and took some night pictures until it was time to have dinner with the other fabulous knitters.  Wonderful people, every one.  And that was the first day of our tour.

So here I'd like to say a word about the train systems in Europe.  For the most part, it was fantastic.  You can get anywhere you need to go quickly and conveniently.  All you need to know is the name of the station closest to your destination and the line.  Then just get on the right line and wait until you get there.  Easy-peasy.  The only problem I had in London was a station closure the day I left.  The elevator wasn't working, so I dragged my bags down 178 steps only to find that the train was not running.  All those people who passed me coming up could have said something! But they didn't.  In Paris, the trains were more expensive and the system slightly more complicated, but once you figured it out, you were good to get anywhere, and fast!  Very crowded in Paris though, trains and the city itself.  But more about that later.  I also took the Chunnel between London and Paris.  While the whole idea of a tunnel beneath all that water kind of freaks me out, the Chunnel Train was fast and pleasant.

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