Thursday, April 15, 2010

Austin Zoo

The Austin Zoo is not so much a zoo as it is a sanctuary.

It's a pretty small zoo; I saw the whole thing in about an hour.

I didn't go on the train though, because there were a lot of people waiting for it.  Next time I go out there, I'll have to see that.

It wasn't so crowded that you couldn't see the animals, but business isn't bad either.  The parking lot was absolutely full!

Chickens everywhere!

And peacocks and peahens.

Lots of big cats.

As a knitter, I am particularly fond of sheep.

This little monkey was rescued from a drug testing facility.

I LOVE their tails!

This wolf was rescued with a long-term pre-existing injury to his left front paw.  Since he hadn't been able to use it, the muscles were underdeveloped.  It had to be amputated, but he gets around just fine!

It was a lovely spring Saturday when I went.  Not a great big zoo like in San Antonio, but big enough to have several large cats, a black bear, birds, monkeys, and porcupines, among other things.  Not too crowded, but not a ghost town, either.  Plenty of kids having a great time.  They have a picnic area big enough for a good sized birthday party with room left over for other families without being too close or crowded.  The train looked like a popular draw, but I stayed away because it looked like there were enough kids to fill it up, and really, it's all about the kids.

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