Friday, April 9, 2010

South Congress

There are so many cool things in Austin, and so many cool places I want to see, that I just don't have time to do all the things I want to do!  One of my favorite places here in town in on South Congress:

(click on pictures to see bigger)

As a knitter, of course I love a good yarn store, and Hill Country Weavers is a GREAT yarn store!  Lots of fabulous yarn, but also:

Knit Buzz is the knit cafe right behind the store.  A nice place to sit and knit, and a kitchen stocked with snacks and drinks.

Then there's the rest of South Congress:

Hey Cupcake has wonderful cupcakes.  I like the Michael Jackson, which is a chocolate/chocolate chip cupcake with cream cheese frosting.  AWESOME!

There's live music.  Last July I saw this guy (or maybe another guy in the same spot) sitting on a bucket singing "Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer."  It just doesn't get any better than that.

Vegan Sweet Potato Tamales.  Sounds weird, I know, but they're actually pretty good.

The other food carts on South Congress.

And the shops
Looking North

Looking South

And something happening, I don't really know what.

But not everything is wonderful on S. Congress:

This parking lot used to be free.

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