Friday, May 28, 2010

Bishop Arts District

I had heard about the Bishop Arts District as a cool place to visit in Dallas.  And it did have some things that I enjoyed.

Every city needs a store devoted to hard-to-find sodas, but alas, there is only this one.  I had an excellent cream soda out of a real glass bottle, not plastic.

Then I went to the Chocolate Store.  It was so good that I forgot to take a picture.  Every city also needs a store that makes artisanal chocolate and homemade marshmallows.

Other than that, it was mostly vintage shops and art galleries.  I saw some weird things done with Legos.  But as cool as it is, it's only really about one block and its surrounding streets.  I was kinda sad that it's such a small area, because really, ALL of Austin is like this.

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