Friday, May 28, 2010

Historical Plano

Last weekend I was in Plano, seeing some of the historical sites there.  I could be wrong, but I don't think these places are very well known.  I found out about them on the Internet, though.  There's always lots to see in any city of a reasonable size.

The first place I went to was the Heritage Farmstead Museum.  I was not allowed to take any pictures, so I can't post any.  I really enjoyed seeing the site.  Things were a little disorganized, and the regular tour guide wasn't there that day, but a volunteer showed me and another couple around and told us what he knew.

The house was built in 1891 by Hunter Farrell.  It has been restored and several period items donated to make up the exhibits.  There is also another house which was moved from its original location to be preserved on site, as well as several original outbuildings.  It is a working farm with chickens, sheep, and mules.  There are many opportunities for volunteers and partner memberships.

This museum offers an excellent opportunity to look through a window of time to see a snapshot of the turn of the century and how people lived.  If you are in Plano near 15th street, go see it!