Wednesday, May 12, 2010

long weekend

Partly happy, partly sad.  I went to The Woodlands north of Houston to see a friend I haven't seen in years and meet her lovely family.  We went to Chili's and had lunch, complete with an incredible dessert I can't remember the name of.  But it had chocolate, walnuts, caramel, and ice cream.  So good I couldn't finish it!  Wonderful to see my friend again, but I had to stay in a hotel down south unless I wanted to fight rush hour traffic on Monday morning, which I didn't. 

So down south I go to Seabrook for a memorial service for a 4-year-old boy, the son of a girl I've known since I was 12.  A very beautiful service, very touching.  I could turn this into a commercial for the genetic condition he was born with, but I'd rather not.  I will say that he had COFSS (Cerebral Ocular Facial Skeletal Syndrome).  Beyond that, it's my friend's story to tell, not mine.

I did manage to do some geocaching in both places, and took some pictures near NASA.

I'm still playing with my camera to learn better how to use it.  It was darker than it looks in these pictures.

The light was better the next day.

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